Moving to Hawaii...
Well, not me (I wish!). My Ashtanga yoga teacher, Chuck is. I went to his Mysore class on Sunday, and found out that he was selling the studio and moving to Hawaii with his wife. Dammit!!! I am so bummed that he won't be teaching at Yoga Works anymore... I loved his class and that's why I have been practicing Ashtanga. I am beyond bummed. I was really grateful that my first Ashtanga teacher happened to be one of the most recognized yogis in the Ashtanga world. And it turns out that a lot of people knew about it! Being a new student at Yoga Works, I don't really know anyone, so no one told me about it till Sunday. If I had known, I would have attended his class more frequently... It's really sad.. I'm in denial!
But I should be thankful that he was my first Ashtanga teacher and I was introduced to the practice by him. I just wish there were more time to practice with him. There are so much more to learn. Hopefully he starts a studio in Hawaii, so when I go to Hawaii, I can take his class again.