A Grrreeaat Bill Maher Moment
Real Time with Bill Maher came back on air tonight - it was such a long, painful wait!! I have been a huge fan of the show since its debut. But tonight was the night. It was the best Bill Maher moment to see Michael Moore refute a Republican congressman (David Dreir). Maher had two Republican guests and when they were questioned about Bush sitting in an elementary classroom for 7 minutes after being informed "America is under attack," both of them gave the exact same bullshit answer. I wonder if the Republican party provides its members with the *excuses* to everything and they just practice it before they get interviewed? It's hard to believe that they actually believe in what they say.. After watching the show, I was all fired up about things, but now I think I have calmed down and am ready to go to bed.
1 comment:
Michael Moore is the left's hero!
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