Disappointment, Disbelief, and Disgust
I still can't believe George Bush has been re-elected. Still too pissed off to do anything at work. What the fuck is wrong with those red-necks? To All the idiots who prioritized the moral values over the country's economy and jobs: I hope you lose your god damn job because your company shipped your job to overseas to get tax breaks. I hope your employer slashes your health care benefit so you and your family can't get decent health care. Then let's see if you made a right decision - voting for the arrogant, stupid hick who doesn't get foreign relations, economy, or anything that requires intelligence.
And I secretly hope Texas would get bombed the shit out of them by Bin Laden in his next attack. I'm so sick of all the modern, Blue states being targeted by the terrorists. We don't want that guy in the White House either!!!!
Why are the democrats being so nice about this again??? If Bush/Cheney were in the same position as Kerry/Edwards right now, they would be fighting to tip the balance in their favor like a maniac.
Hey Johnnie - You're in Korea Town! I live a few miles away from there. You must be going to Korean clubs this weekend! :) I'll be waiting for more interesting stories..
You're right - no one wants to see a sore loser. Kerry's exit strategy was very graceful. BUT! It's also true that you can't be nice when fighting against dirty players who would do ANYTHING you can imagine to make sure that they win. And that's exactly how they "won" in 2000.
Hi Rick - Thank you for your comment. That wasn't a nice thing to say. I'm sorry if you got offended. But you're right - some parts of Texas are actually blue. It's good to hear from someone like you!!
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