Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"While most of your friends are slugging it out at 9-to-5 entry-level jobs, you're still at college, having the time of your life. As they fill out Excel spreadsheets, type up memos, and figure out the optimal time to sneak onto instant messenger, you're entertaining guests, courting freshmen girls, and debating between Dominos and Papa John's. Life's good when you are a fifth-year senior."

This is so true!!! I was once there.. and it was pretty cool! ;)

Anyway, this paragraph was taken from an article about USC quarterback, Matt Leinart. If you're interested, read on!

Can't wait for the season to start!!!


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Bill said...

haha...those sneaky online marketing people never cease to amaze me

Ami said...

I know, this is so fucking annoying.

Anonymous said...


Ami said...


サマースクールとか取って、頑張って3年とか3年半で卒業する人の爪の垢でも煎じて飲んどけばよかったかな・・・ 5年もゆったりと過ごしてしまいました(笑)。でも人生で一番楽しい学生という時間を、何もそんなに生き急がなくてもいいのにな~、と思って見てました。いや、私がlazyなだけ?
