I have a feeling this blog will soon turn into I-hate-my-job blog. I've started this job about 3 weeks ago, but I'm already thinking about how I really don't give a shit about my job. I just can't get interested in anything that goes on in the office. I'm always day-dreaming. But as much as I'm disinterested in what I do, I don't know what I want to do... One thing I know is I hate working as a team. I hate working with people. I spend good 3-4 hours everyday calling/emailing people. I'd be so productive if I can work on my own. I want a job which doesn't require me to interact with a lot of people... I mean, I like meeting people if it's for fun, but not in business occasions. The less talking and explaining I have to do, the happier I'd be.
And what the fuck is wrong with the Red Sox???
Ugh! I'm just having a bad day.