Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Back from Maya & Steve's wedding.. I had a friggin' blast!!! I'm so glad I went. I didn't think I'd be doing much of drinking while I'm there (except for the wedding night), but hanging out with Jared, Joel, and Tsuyoshi changed everything. My 3-day stay was in fact, all about drinking. If Takako was able to get drunk with us, it would have been much much better. But I'm sure lil' Raychell enjoyed her first taste of red wine! haha. On the wedding night, everyone went to a club after the reception, and since we got there so late, we chugged our drinks. By the time they stopped serving alcohol, I was so wasted that I didn't even feel the chill in the air (remind you, this is Michigan we are talking about!). Anyway.. Steve and Maya: Congratulations!!! You guys are so cute together.

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