Saturday, June 05, 2004

Just saw Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine for the second time. I saw it in a theater when it first came out, but thought it was a good enough film to watch twice. Plus, I wanted to see the special features on DVD. I must say I liked the film even more this time. The first time I saw it, I thought the film was more about gun control and violence. But after seeing it twice, I realized that it goes much deeper than that. I think the main message of the film is that we Americans live in a culuture of FEAR. I couldn't agree with Marilyn Manson, who was interviewed in the film, more. We are constantly put in a state of fear by the government and the media, we are so scared that it has become vague as to what exactly we are afraid of. Local news is always filled with violence and stupid stories like "What you don't know could kill you... stay tuned to find out the truth about low-carb diet." Watching those local news channels doesn't educate you on anything. Absolute crap! I wonder why. But what pisses me off the most is that none of them has the balls to criticize the Bush administration. All they do is show how horrible things are in Iraq, praise our troops and justify the war in Iraq. I believe, if any of those news stations started covering things I read in Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush or even something as mainstream as New York Times or Newsweek, nobody would be supporting Bush by now. It's just that people don't have the unbiased, correct information to make judgements on. And I think it's the local news stations' responsibility to provide people with such information, because afterall, we live in a country where even the President doesn't read.

I just can't wait to see Michael Moore's new film - which apparently Disney has canned. How long are we going to tolerate such institutional censorship? I'll do anything to kick Bush-Cheney out of the White House this November. Whatever it takes.

By the way, am I the only one who is sick of hearing Bush say empty phrases like "War on Terror"?

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