Monday, July 04, 2005

What's Your Birthday Color?

Check out Colorstrology

The color for the month December was Pagoda Blue and my birthday color was Blue Sapphire. When I read about this site at What I like about L.A., I thought my birthday color would be Red, but I was so wrong! My favorite color is Pink, so I don't own too many things that are Blue (I guess, except for my endless collection of denim), but maybe this explains why I love the ocean so much. I love driving along the coast on a sunny day, hanging out at the beach, listening to the sound of waves... soooo relaxing!!

3 words to describe people who are born on my birthday are: Adventurous, Appealing, and Creative. It also gives you a short description of your personality. I don't know if it's true, but it definitely said really nice things! :)



Anonymous said...




Ami said...

daidaiさん: そんな使い方もありますね!色って面白いですよね。ちょっとまた今からあのサイトに戻って、自分の好きな色はどんなkeywordで表現されてるのか見てみようっと!